These bridges are designed to seamlessly blend with natural environment enhancing the overall aesthetic appeal. The structure itself becomes a work of art against the backdrop of the hairpin .
The Cantilevered bridge is known for its stability to span along the curves to fulfill the requirements of people to enjoy the view while the requirement of parking was fulfilled around the same area.
The structure was build in a way that helps in proving more space by maintaining the view of the site,infact the sites view could be viewed more properly because of the structure.
The idea used in the designing of the space was mainly to maintain the holistic freshness of the site. but also to provide a space for the people to enjoy the view as well as get fresh air.
Through a unique combination of engineering, construction and design disciplines and expertise helped in providing the users a place to enjoy the scenic view that the place has to offer.
Luxurious Facilities.
Through a unique combination of engineering, construction and design
The Cantilevered structure often require fewer supports, that creates less disturbance to the surrounding environment. In a hairpin turn, where the landscape may be difficult to navigate, minimizing the number of supports that can help preserve the natural surroundings.
The place was made for the users to get a great view that the site has to offer as well, serve the purpose of being a rest point. Serving both the structure provides the user everything that was lacking at the place which makes the revitalisation of the project complete.